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    2022-08-12 09:25:33

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亲爱的顾客朋友们 欢迎光临真诚果品:  真诚果品确保每一位客户买的安心,吃的放心,推出4大承诺:服务承诺:所有果品有质量问题12小时内无理由退换货.产品承诺:所有果品均来自原产地,新鲜有保证。价格承诺:店内同质量果品均低于市场价50%左右。品质承诺:12小时内从产地到门店,一流的品质,放心的服务,真诚为你提供最优质的货源。真诚果品2016年9月荣获cctv央视专访,荣登水果领域第一品牌,服务百姓,对客户:以真诚实惠服务于客户,做诚信企业、做良心企业。


Dear customers and friends Welcome to the Sincere fruit , Sincere fruit to ensure that every customer to buy the peace of mind , eat the rest assured , the introduction Of 4 Promises。 

Pledge: All fruit quality problems within 12 hours no reason to return  

Product commitment : All fruits are from the origin , fresh and guaranteed 

Price commitment : the same quality of the store are lower than the market price of about 50 % Quality commitment:12 hours from the place of origin to the store , first 一 class quality , rest assured that the service , in good faith to provide you with the best quality supply 。 

Sincere fruit in September 2016 won the CCTV interview , topped the field of fruit brand ,service people , to customers : sincere and honest service to customers , integrity enterprises , conscienceenterprises .


  • 地址:齐齐哈尔市富裕县世纪名苑
  • 电话:15045211461
  • 微信:15045211461
  • Q Q:378909768 759333593